Greetings from the land of the thousand lotus! We have reach Nepal. Temperature is a cool 18-24° Hope this trip will be a fruitful one! Tashi delak!
Greetings from the land of the thousand lotus! We have reach Nepal. Temperature is a cool 18-24° Hope this trip will be a fruitful one! Tashi delak!
Hi We are embarking to Nepal once again for our annual pilgrimage and purchasing trip. We are leaving on 13th April. If you have some special things that you need us to get, please do drop by or send us a email. We will try our very best to bring them back! Tashi delak!
Dear friends and fellow Buddhists, Nonie Buddhist Landscape will be organizing a business and prayer trip to Nepal in April 2015. Our main trip destination will be visiting the manjuscri dechen Manjushri Di-Chen Buddhist Learning Center at Pharping. Ven. Drubthob Rinpoche founded Manjushri Di-Chen Buddhist Learning Center in the year 1996 with the vision of […]